FREE-HAND DRAWING - why it is good for children

Some toys are designed to assist hand-eye coordination development, like fitting things together(one can use simple unbreakable cups and bowls too), jigsaw puzzles and so on.
In many instances we do come across students who panic because they are unable to complete their drawing related projects or usually end up doing them with much dissatisfaction.
Practice in free hand drawing does make children confident with their drawing projects and school assignment related artworks as they grow up. They can copy an image in a few minutes and with ease. Practise in copying images, easy to difficult levels, can also help children draw imaginary pictures. Given a freehand to create and regular drawing lessons, help them to improve their speed, perception of size, proportion, shape and clarity in their drawings.
In short, a few reasons how drawing helps growing children:
-improves hand-to-eye coordination and fine motor skills
-improves observation skills (spacing and proportions)
-helps in holding the pencil comfortably (tripod grip -the way they hold it while writing)
-improves confidence and comfort level.
-helps in keeping a child engaged longer.
-helps in drawing without use of tools